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Paradise Lost Ⅰ

作者 : 约翰·弥尔顿

Milton's Paradise Lost is one of the greatest epic poems in the English language. It tells the story of the Fall of Man, a tale of immense drama and excitement, of rebellion and treachery, of innocence pitted against corruption, in which God and Satan fight a bitter battle for control of mankind's destiny. The struggle rages across three worlds - heaven, hell, and earth - as Satan and his band of rebel angels plot their revenge against God. At the center of the conflict are Adam and Eve, motivated by all too human temptations, but whose ultimate downfall is unyielding love.Marked by Milton's characteristic erudition is a work epic both in scale and, notoriously, in ambition. For nearly 350 years it has held generation upon generation of scholars, students and readers in rapt attention and its profound influence can be seen in almost every corner of Western culture.

最近更新 2019-11-21

Paradise Lost Ⅲ

作者 : 约翰·弥尔顿

Milton's Paradise Lost is one of the greatest epic poems in the English language. It tells the story of the Fall of Man, a tale of immense drama and excitement, of rebellion and treachery, of innocence pitted against corruption, in which God and Satan fight a bitter battle for control of mankind's destiny. The struggle rages across three worlds - heaven, hell, and earth - as Satan and his band of rebel angels plot their revenge against God. At the center of the conflict are Adam and Eve, motivated by all too human temptations, but whose ultimate downfall is unyielding love.Marked by Milton's characteristic erudition is a work epic both in scale and, notoriously, in ambition. For nearly 350 years it has held generation upon generation of scholars, students and readers in rapt attention and its profound influence can be seen in almost every corner of Western culture.

最近更新 2019-11-21

Paradise Lost Ⅷ

作者 : 约翰·弥尔顿

Milton's Paradise Lost is one of the greatest epic poems in the English language. It tells the story of the Fall of Man, a tale of immense drama and excitement, of rebellion and treachery, of innocence pitted against corruption, in which God and Satan fight a bitter battle for control of mankind's destiny. The struggle rages across three worlds - heaven, hell, and earth - as Satan and his band of rebel angels plot their revenge against God. At the center of the conflict are Adam and Eve, motivated by all too human temptations, but whose ultimate downfall is unyielding love.Marked by Milton's characteristic erudition is a work epic both in scale and, notoriously, in ambition. For nearly 350 years it has held generation upon generation of scholars, students and readers in rapt attention and its profound influence can be seen in almost every corner of Western culture.

最近更新 2019-11-21


作者 : 杜鲁门·卡波特

In this seductive, wistful masterpiece, Truman Capote created a woman whose name has entered the American idiom and whose style is a part of the literary landscape. Holly Golightly knows that nothing bad can ever happen to you at Tiffany's; her poignancy, wit, and naiveté continue to charm.杜鲁门·卡波特 美国著名作家,两次获得欧·亨利短篇小说奖。1924年生于新奥尔良,17岁受雇于《纽约客》开始写作生涯。1948年处女作《别的声音,别的房间》获得世界性的成功。1958年,奠定其大师地位的杰作《蒂凡尼的早餐》出版。1966年,完成了巅峰之作《冷血》。1984年8月25日晚,敏感、复杂和饱受争议的卡波特,因用药过度,猝死于友人家中,终年59岁。

最近更新 2019-11-21


作者 : C·S·刘易斯

Narnia . where giants wreak havoc . where evil weaves a spell . where enchantment rules. Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends are sent to rescue a prince held captive. But their mission to Underland brings them face-to-face with an evil more beautiful and more deadly than they ever expected.

最近更新 2019-11-21

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

作者 : 乔伊斯

With an Introduction and Notes by Dr. Jacqueline Belanger, University of Cardiff A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man represents the transitional stage between the realism of Joyce's Dubliners and the symbolism of Ulysses, and is essential to the understanding of the later work.The novel is a highly autobiographical account of the adolescence of Stephen Dedalus, who reappears in Ulysses, and who comes to realize that before he can become a true artist, he must rid himself of the stultifying effects of the religion, politics and essential bigotry of his background in late 19th century Ireland. Written with a light touch,this is perhaps the most accessible of Joyce's works.

最近更新 2019-11-21

A Walk to Remember

作者 : 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯

It was 1958, and Landon had already dated a girl or two. He even swore that he had once been in love. Certainly the last person in town he thought he'd fall for was Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of the town's Baptist minister. A quiet girl who always carried a Bible with her schoolbooks, Jamie seemed content living in a world apart from other teens. She took care of her widowed father, rescued hurt animals, and helped out at the local orphanage. No boy had ever asked her out. Landon never would have dreamed of it. Then a twist of fate made Jamie his partner for the homecoming dance, and Landon Carter's life would never be the same. Being with Jamie would show him the depths of the human heart and lead him to a decision so stunning it would send him irrevocably on the road to manhood.

最近更新 2019-11-21

A Short History of Nearly Everything

作者 : 比尔·布莱森


最近更新 2019-11-21


作者 : C·S·刘易斯

Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world.

最近更新 2019-11-21

SIDDHARTHA: An Indian Tale

作者 : 赫尔曼·黑塞

In the shade of the house, in the sunshine of the riverbank near the boats, in the shade of the Sal-wood forest, in the shade of the fig tree is where Siddhartha grew up, the handsome son of the Brahman, the young falcon, together with his friend Govinda, son of a Brahman.

最近更新 2019-11-21


作者 : 莎拉·沃特斯

From the author of the New York Times Notable Book Tipping the Velvet and the award-winning Affinity: a spellbinding, twisting tale of a great swindle, of fortunes and hearts won and lost, set in Victorian London among a family of thieves. Sue Trinder is an orphan, left as an infant in the care of Mrs. Sucksby, a baby farmer, who raised her with unusual tenderness, as if Sue were her own. Mrs. Sucksby's household, with its fussy babies calmed with doses of gin, also hosts a transient family of petty thieves-fingersmiths-for whom this house in the heart of a mean London slum is home. One day, the most beloved thief of all arrives-Gentleman, a somewhat elegant con man, who carries with him an enticing proposition for Sue: If she wins a position as the maid to Maud Lilly, a naïve gentlewoman, and aids Gentleman in her seduction, then they will all share in Maud's vast inheritance. Once the inheritance is secured, Maud will be left to live out her days in a mental hospital. With dreams of paying back the kindness of her adopted family, Sue agrees to the plan. Once in, however, Sue begins to pity her helpless mark and care for Maud Lilly in unexpected ways. . . . But no one and nothing is as it seems in this > Dickensian novel of thrills and surprises. The New York Times Book Review has called Sarah Waters a writer of consummate skill and The Seattle Times has praised her work as gripping, astute fiction that feeds the mind and the senses. Fingersmith marks a major leap forward in this young and brilliant career.

最近更新 2019-11-21


作者 : 伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁

ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING[伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁]于公元1806年出生在达翰姆(英格兰北部一郡)。1838年,她出版了《撒拉弗和其它诗篇》[撒拉佛——六翼天使(九级天使中地位最高者),又称:炽爱天使]。1843年,由于当时英国的最高统治者是女性,伊丽莎白于国家诗人的提名得到了更加广泛的支持。结果很不幸,她输给了威廉·华兹华斯--同一时代的另一位伟大诗人[有机会笔者会撰文介绍此人]。此后不久,伊利沙白与罗伯特·勃朗宁——另一位有才华的诗人,结婚了。然而,伊丽莎白的父亲,却不同意这场婚事。于是,这对情侣决定出逃。并由此,引发了一场浪漫的婚姻。伊丽莎白与罗伯特·勃朗宁准备各自出发,逃往意大利,并在比萨会合,去继续他们的生活。他们成功了。三年后,即1849年,他们已在意大利中部的佛罗伦萨定居。一日,伊丽莎白送给她的丈夫一件珍贵的礼物——44首她为丈夫写的十四行诗,里面有开始时的怀疑,与家庭抗争的恐惧,与爱人的甜蜜,及最终爱的胜利的喜悦。同年,他们唯一的男孩出生了。一年后,即1850年,勃朗宁夫妇出版了那44首诗,但做了些伪装。他们用葡萄牙十四行诗集为这44首诗命名。如此一来,读者便会接受这些诗是由葡萄牙语翻译过来的的暗示。于是,我们今天可以看到如此表达真爱和深爱的诗句。伊丽莎白的浪漫婚姻促成了她的,也是整个维多利亚时代的,最美丽的爱情商籁体诗。

最近更新 2019-11-21

Little HOUSE in the BIG WOODS

作者 : 劳拉·英格尔斯·怀德

《大森林里的小木屋》是美国女作家劳拉·怀尔德(1867-1957)九部 小木屋系列小说中的第一部。本书讲述了小姑娘劳拉和家人一起生活在大森林深处的小木屋里的经历。作家用细腻的笔触描绘了拓荒者生活的点点滴滴:大自然一年四季的变化之美;收获季节的欢乐和温馨;恶劣环境中的生存和冒险……细致生动、趣味横生,让读者沉醉在往昔的质朴生活中。 本书以小女孩天真无邪的眼光观察生活中的点点滴滴。大森林里的梅花鹿、大懒熊、冬天的白雪、春天树上的绿芽,还有小木屋里温暖的火光、妈做的可口点心、爸的悠扬琴声,都是罗兰最甜蜜的童年回忆。 本书没有太多曲折的情节,但它是精彩的、令人感到愉悦的、经久不衰的世界儿童文学的经典名著。全书文辞妙趣横生,涉及到自然、探险、动物、亲情、成长等许多青少年关注的兴趣点,可以引起青少年的极大阅读兴趣,是对他们的求知和成长大有益处的高价值图书。 Laura Ingalls's story begins in 1871 in a little log cabin on the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsin. Four-year-old Laura lives in the little house with her Pa, her Ma, her sisters Mary and Carrie, and their trusty dog, Jack. Pioneer life is sometimes hard, since the family must grow or catch all their own food as they get ready for the cold winter. But it is also exciting as Laura and her folks celebrate Christmas with homemade toys and treats, do the spring planting, bring in the harvest, and make their first trip into town. And every night they are safe and warm in their little house, with the happy sound of Pa's fiddle sending Laura and her sisters off to sleep. And so begins Laura Ingalls Wilder's beloved story of a pioneer girl and her family. The nine Little House books have been cherished by generations of readers as both a unique glimpse into America's frontier past and a heartwarming, unforgettable story.

最近更新 2019-11-21


作者 : Anonymous


最近更新 2019-11-21

The Call of the Wild

作者 : Jack London

JACK LONDON WAS born on January12,1876,in san Francisco,California,as John Griffith Chaney.His mother,Flora Wellman,was a teacher and spiritualist,and his father,Willian left them not long after,and Jack took his stepfather''s last name ,London.The family moved to Oakland and ,by the time he was ten,London was an avid reader,checking books out of the public library.London left school at age thirteen to work a number of odd jobs-as a cannery worker ,sailor ,oyster pirate,and fish patroller.In1893,unemloyed workers marched in protest against the econormic crisis,and London,age seventeen,joined them.Arrested for vagerancy,he spent a month in jail.When he was released,he resolved to get his education.He earned his high school equivalency degree in a year and enrolled in the Univer-sity of California at Berkeley,where he read voraciously.London embraced the wroks of Darwin,Nietzsche,and Marx and became a socialist.In1897,he dropped out to join the gold rush in the Klondike region of Alaska and Canada.JACK LONDON WAS born on January12,1876,in san Francisco,California,as John Griffith Chaney.His mother,Flora Wellman,was a teacher and spiritualist,and his father,Willian left them not long after,and Jack took his stepfather''s last name ,London.The family moved to Oakland and ,by the time he was ten,London was an avid reader,checking books out of the public library.London left school at age thirteen to work a number of odd jobs-as a cannery worker ,sailor ,oyster pirate,and fish patroller.In1893,unemloyed workers marched in protest against the econormic crisis,and London,age seventeen,joined them.Arrested for vagerancy,he spent a month in jail.When he was released,he resolved to get his education.He earned his high school equivalency degree in a year and enrolled in the Univer-sity of California at Berkeley,where he read voraciously.London embraced the wroks of Darwin,Nietzsche,and Marx and became a socialist.In1897,he dropped out to join the gold rush in the Klondike region of Alaska and Canada.

最近更新 2019-11-21

The Shoe Tester of Frankfurt(Excerpt)

作者 : 威廉·格纳齐诺

This brief and poignant novel from Germany explores existential questions as its 46-year-old narrator reflects on broken relationships and other failures, and struggles to come to terms with life.The Shoe Tester of Frankfurt by Wilhelm Genazino, 2004 recipient of the Georg-Büchner-Preis, Germanys highest literary honor, is finally available to English-speaking readers in a pitch-perfect translation by Philip Boehm.Employed by a high-end shoe manufacturer to test new products, the narrator spends his days wandering through his native city, encountering faces from his past (primarily female) and experiencing anew the many manifestations of the mystery of life. In the grand tradition of literary flaneurs, he takes note of his surroundings, from the significant to the mundane, and assembles them into a sort of mental collage that is at once self-portrait and cityscape.Most remarkable in Genazinos work is the humor with which he invests this melancholic character. Though at times he fears that he teeters on the brink of insanity, he good-naturedly pursues the strange twists of fate that land him variously behind a table at the flea market, in a newspaper office, by the banks of a flooded river, or in a friends bed. As Peter von Matt wrote in Der Spiegel, Indeed, there is hardly a subtler humorist among todays writers than Genazino.

最近更新 2019-11-21


