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最新完整章节列表 正序 倒序


  1. 文明世界的赠礼-(1987)-A Gift from the Culture
  2. 失落艺术的解读者-(1986)-Readers of the Lost Art
  3. 紫罗兰独一无二的香味-(1985)-The Unmistakable Smell of Wood Violets
  4. 湖中积满人造物-(1985)-The Lake Was Full of Artificial Things
  5. 雪-(1986)-Snow
  6. 罐子-(1985)-Pots
  7. 新玫瑰旅馆-(1984)-New Rose Hotel
  8. 似花过亡城-(1984)-Passing as a Flower in the City of the Dead
  9. 变奏的作曲家-(1984)-Variation on a Man
  10. 血孩子-Bloodchild
  11. 血音乐-(1983)-Blood Music
  12. 残酷世界-(1983)-Mondocane
  13. 群-(1982)-Swarm
  14. 玲子的箱宇宙-(1981)-Reiko's Universe Box
  15. 读过乔姆斯基的蛇-(1981)-The Snake Who Had Read Chomsky
  16. 太太们-(1976)-Wives
  17. 沙王-(1979)-Sandkings
  18. 危险游戏-(1979)-Sporting with the Chid
  19. 慈悲分享者之所-(1977)-The House of Compassionate Sharers
  20. IWM 1000-(1975)-The IWM 1000
  21. 立女-(1974)-Standing Woman
  22. 两条小径交会之处-(1973)-Where Two Paths Cross
  23. 我醒来发现自己在寒冷的山坡上-(1972)-And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill’s Side
  24. 改变之时-(1972)-When It Changed
  25. 来自梵蒂冈的喜讯-(1971)-Good News from the Vatican



