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The Sea of Hesitation



"If Jackson had pressed McClellan in White Oak Swamp," Francesca said. "If Longstreet had proceeded vigorously on the first day at Second Manassas. If we had had the 40,000 pairs of shoes we needed when we entered Maryland. If Bloss had not found the envelope containing the two cigars and the copy of Lees Secret Order No. 191 at Frederick. If the pneumonia had not taken Jackson. If Ewell had secured possession of Cemetery Heights on the first day of Gettysburg. If Picketts charge. . . If Earlys march into the Valley. . . If we had had sufficient food for our troops at Petersburg. If our attack on Fort Stedman had succeeded. If Pickett and Fitzhugh Lee had not indulged in a shad bake at Five Forks. If there had been stores and provisions as promised at Amelia Court House. If Ewell had not been captured at Saylors Creek together with sixteen artillery pieces and four hundred wagons. If Lee had understood Lincoln -- his mind, his larger intentions. If there had been a degree of competence in our civilian administration equal to that exhibited by the military. Then, perhaps, matters would have been brought to a happier conclusion."





